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Teach Meet Takeaways

Yesterday's Teach Meet gave me two main reading strategies that I am going to build into our curricula that we are re-writing for next year (that will also blend perfectly with our lesson structures).

Firstly, finger point reading. It seems so obvious but is just not something that I've used in my practice as a Secondary English teacher. Crofton have been using finger point reading with whole cohorts using visualisers to model that process. It's a great strategy to gauge engagement and create a "no opt out culture" in reading. A fresh school year is a perfect time to set this as an expectation with a new cohort! More info here:

Secondly, echo and choral reading (find out more here: We, in English, are going to use this when we read short extract that we then use a model for pastiche or analysis (such as the one below). Again, establishing this as a routine from day one will create a low-threat "no opt out" culture around reading. It models intonation and pronunciation, building confidence and fluency in all readers, especially reluctant readers. It might worth considering if you are wanting to develop supporting reading in your classroom!

I'm excited to implement small changes that might make a big difference to the reading culture in our school! 😎

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