Get Into Teaching
Inspiring Future Teachers
Inspiring Future Teachers (IFT) is a national School Centred Provider of Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) working through regional partners to offer one-year postgraduate routes to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) with the option to study for a masters level Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE). Inspiring Future Teachers - HISP Teacher Training is your local hub and aims to provide the opportunity to train to teach in Hampshire.
School-Led PGCE with QTS, accredited by the University of Winchester
The School Led PGCE is an exciting route into initial teacher teaching (ITT), which allows schools to take the lead in recruiting and training new teachers. The Gosport & Fareham Multi-Academy Trust works in partnership with the University of Winchester and other schools across the Gosport and Fareham area, allowing trainees to be part of the school and learn the craft of the classroom in a very hands-on way.
Our aim is to nurture teachers who are reflective in their practice, flexible in their approach to enable all pupils to access learning and participate in our ethos of professional development.
School Led PGCE secondary places are offered by the following schools within our partnership:
School Led PGCE primary places are offered by the following schools within our partnership:
Please apply through the DfE website; https://www.apply-for-teacher-training.service.gov.uk
Entry Requirements for School Led PGCE
Before you apply for teacher training you’ll need to make sure you’re eligible. There are some basic eligibility requirements you’ll need to meet to become a teacher in England.
GCSEs or their standard equivalent
You’ll need to demonstrate GCSE grade C / 4 (or standard equivalent) in mathematics and English – and a science subject for primary trainees.
Degree requirement (or equivalent qualification)
You need to have a degree (or equivalent qualification) to train on a postgraduate initial teacher training course. For equivalent qualifications, you’ll need to confirm your qualification is equivalent to a degree.
For secondary school teaching, we generally look for your degree to be at least 50% of your chosen specialised subject. However, we may still consider your application if you hold an A-Level qualification (or equivalent) in your chosen subject. Applicants who are offered a place will be asked to provide certificates for both the degree and GCSE (or equivalent) examinations.
Overseas qualifications
If all or part of your qualifications are from outside the UK, contact the schools or universities you would like to train with, as they make the final decision if your qualifications meet the minimum requirements – you may be asked to formally recognise any overseas qualifications through UK ENIC. You can compare overseas qualifications to the British degree standard on GOV.UK to find out what bursary you could receive.
For more UK ENIC information please got to; www.enic.org.uk
With your application, you will need to provide two references. Usually from either academic and professional referees.
Safeguarding when working with Children
Successful applicants will be subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check at their own expense. For more information please go to; https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/disclosure-and-barring-service