Career Guidance
Our Vision
All students at Fareham Academy receive outstanding careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) which supports them in making informed decisions about their future. Students get the opportunity to develop their employability skills (problem solving, communication, critical thinking, risk taking, creativity, leadership, and teamwork to name but a few) within lessons and through our highly successful student leadership programme and focus days. Our students aspire for great things and are determined to develop the necessary skills to succeed in their chosen career interest(s).
Careers Programme Summary
All Year 11s are offered a 1-1 Careers Information Advice and Guidance interview with a Careers Adviser. In Year 10, students will have the opportunity to take part in an interview preparation day and an employer interview day. These workshops are part of the Your Futures Programme and are designed to increase an awareness of employability skills.
During the summer term, students will take part in Work Experience and will also attend a workshop about post 16 options and where they can lead to post 18. Year 9 students will attend a workshop about understanding decision making and preparing for their option choices and will have the opportunity to take part in a Business Speed Networking session, which is also part of the Your Futures Programme.
Provider Access Legislation
At Fareham Academy, we are committed to ensuring compliance with the Provider Access Legislation (PAL). Throughout their time with us, students have opportunities in every year group and key stage to engage with a variety of apprenticeship providers and colleges that deliver technical education such as T-Levels and Higher Technical Qualifications. We have a proud history within the Solent region of fantastic apprenticeship opportunities, with many of our students progressing into these routes post-16.
To see a summary of our annual Provider Access Legislation activities, please click here.
To find out more about apprenticeship opportunities please use these links:
We are proud of the variety of destinations our students progress to post-16. Students are supported through an extensive careers and progression program, which equips them to make well-informed choices and decisions regarding their post-16 pathways and life beyond their college years. We partner with the University of Southampton, Solent University, and Portsmouth University to showcase degree opportunities through campus day visits, residential trips, and workshops on our RAK Days.
To see a summary of our annual Destinations data, please click here.
Our Careers Practitioner
Our Careers Practitioner is in school most weeks and is available to students for career information, advice and guidance.
Our Careers Practitioner has experience working with children and young people in the Hampshire area and can help students with information, advice, and guidance (IAG) on:
Post 16 options - college, sixth form, apprenticeship, work with training and traineeships
Higher Education and post 18 options
Putting together a CV, interview tips and job search
Finding out which career or job you would like to do
Labour market information
To book an appointment with our Careers Practitioner, drop in to the Careers Office in the LRC during break, lunchtime or after school.
To book an appointment with our Careers Practitioner, please email enquiries@fareham-academy.co.uk
What is Career Guidance?
"Career guidance refers to services and activities intended to assist individuals, of any age and at any point throughout their lives, to make educational, training and occupational choices and to manage their careers.
The activities may take place on an individual or group basis and may be face-to-face (1-1) or at a distance (including helplines and web-based services)."
– OECD, 2004
What opportunities do students get for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) at Fareham Academy?
Students at Fareham Academy value careers education because it supports them in making informed decisions about their future. We have a strong working relationship with EBP South Ltd (Education Business Partnership) whom we use for delivering 1:1 information, advice and guidance along with group career sessions. EBP South Ltd is a Matrix Accredited Organisation and our Careers Practitioner has achieved the Level 6 qualification in Careers Information, Advice and Guidance. At Fareham Academy, we believe all our students (Year 7 to 11) benefit from participating in some form of careers education and this is done by the following means:
Mentoring and coaching (1:1 and group career support from specialised staff with high impact/aspiration).
Speakers from the world of work.
An insight into the National Careers Service, the labour market (local and national) and the needs of employers.
Workplace visits and work experience placements.
Work ‘taster’ events such as competitions.
School Careers Fair and career networking events.
Access to open days at further and higher education institutions plus training and apprenticeship providers.
Access to creative online resources and labour market information.
Help with basic career management skills like CV writing, CV building, job searches and job interviews.
Through all of our careers education, information, advice and guidance we have a proven success rate, with 100% of our students leaving for full time education, apprenticeships, employment with accredited training or traineeships.
How the Academy assesses the impact of the Careers Programme on pupils
EBP South can provide an impact report at the end of the academic year in relation to careers information advice and guidance interviews. An evaluation summary will also be available following participation in the Your Futures programmes for both Year 9 and Year 10 students.