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Home / Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

Our Science curriculum is broad and balanced and is designed to maximise progression for all. We aim to provide the best quality of Science education for all Fareham Academy students. 

From Year 7, students will acquire skills that will help develop them into scientifically literate global citizens – something that is crucial for the world we are all living in today. As a department, we have taken significant care to ensure that the curriculum’s design facilitates a successful transition across all key stages. From the moment students start in Y7, they are immersed in a robust introduction to life in Science at secondary school. From there, we are confident that students’ five-year learning journey adequately prepares them for their choices at post-16. 

Both our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 curriculum have been designed using these core objectives:  

  • high quality teaching of the core concepts in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and how science works  

  • develop students’ natural inquisitiveness and fascination for the scientific world around them 

  • create resilient and passionate young scientists that can confidently explore scientific theory through investigation and practical work which allows them to gather evidence to form their own conclusions  

  • promote a sense of pride in all areas of work and for students to continually grow confident in their own abilities.  

We take pride in our curriculum provision as it involves more than coverage of the National Curriculum outcomes; it encompasses experiences and exposure to areas related to social, moral, spiritual and cultural experiences as well as promoting fundamental British values and climate awareness.  As a department, we are passionate in our belief that Science underpins everything we do in life. As such, we believe that our curriculum allows for significant learning links to be made across many other subjects, so students’ progress is at the forefront of everything. Alongside those skills of a scientist, we consistently champion the highest levels of numeracy and literacy. 

The curriculum at both key stages is designed to continuously retrieve and build on existing knowledge. We use both summative and formative assessment as a natural tool to promote progression.  

In Key Stage 3 Science, students gain experience in topics across Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We want our students to know some of the best of human thought in these areas and we want them to see how much of what they learn relates directly to their lived experience now and in the future, as they prepare to become citizens of the modern world. Topics are selected and routed so that there can be clear progression and challenge year on year. In order to support students with the high cognitive demand in Science, we have sequenced our curriculum beginning with concrete ideas and concepts that can be easily observed. We then move towards more abstract concepts which help to explain our observations.  

Our KS3 curriculum is not only designed to broaden our students knowledge and understanding, but also develop the many practical skills that are needed in order to be a successful scientist in the future. 


Key Stage 4 Science commences in Y9, and we follow the AQA route for double (trilogy) and triple GCSE qualifications.  The majority of students will take the double award GCSE route, with one class of triple students from the option process.  

The organisation of the Key Stage 4 curriculum intrinsically builds upon prior learning from Key Stage 3 to facilitate the understanding of challenging new content. Students will cover the course content, and it is important to note that practical skills will be assessed in the form of required practicals set out by the exam board.  

We will continue to equip students with a sufficient depth of knowledge, along with key skills, that will serve them well when they leave the Academy. We firmly believe that this will allow students to unlock their individual potential.  

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