Headteacher's Welcome
Welcome to Fareham Academy
We are delighted to welcome you to Fareham Academy. We are a ‘Good’ Academy with “Outstanding” features, where truly inclusive learning comes first. We work exceptionally hard to offer our students the best possible educational opportunities and unlock the potential in every child.
We have high expectations in relation to behaviour and uniform; central to this is how students communicate with each other, our staff, and members of the wider community. Our school values are Aspiration, Resilience and Kindness. These values underpin all our work and act as a foundation as we strive to cultivate a desire for learning and self-improvement so that students leave the Academy as well mannered, confident and culturally rich individuals.
Our Academy is a friendly, vibrant and exciting place to learn. We believe that all children are individuals and we offer a broad and balanced curriculum that reflects their diverse needs, whilst supporting them through the care of our outstanding pastoral team. We work in close partnership with our parents, as well as promoting student voice through our passionate and committed Student Leadership Team.
We welcome all new students, and look forward to supporting them as they begin their learning journey, celebrating with them as they make their own path through the Academy and finding the golden thread in each of them that unlocks their true potential.
“Every day is an open day”, so prospective parents and students are always welcome to visit Fareham Academy and experience the school we are so proud of.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Mr C Prankerd